Stewards of our environment, not owners.......
Organic Components: We have incorporated more organic components than ever into our turf care regiment, allowing for a more natural, healthy lawn with fewer chemicals.
Personnel Training: One of the most important steps in the process is our people. All of our technicians are highly trained and certified by the Virginia Department of Agriculture to apply all of the products we use in your lawn. And to be sure they are up to date on the newest and safest products and procedures, they recertify bi-annually, keeping up the tradition of excellence.
No Spills, No Waste, No storm water runoff: Far too often do we hear complaints about other companies from customers joining us for the first time about the previous company spreading fertilizer all over the driveway, sidewalk and roadways to be left to wash down and end up in the storm water runoff during the next storm. This can be one of the single most damaging practices by many lazy turf care companies. In the rush to get to the next client, they neglect the simplest of rules. No spills, No waste, No storm water runoff. Whenever we apply granular products to the lawn we always blow all granules from the driveway, sidewalks and the street back onto your lawn where they belong and where they do wonderful things, instead of ending up in our wetlands and bays, doing less than wonderful things.
Slow release fertilizers: A huge amount of advertisement is out there in reference to the harmful effects of fertilizer running off into our waterways, destroying our fish and crab populations. Improper use of fertilizer can lead to these problems. Over application of immediate release fertilizers do not allow for proper absorption into the soil, causing run-off. We only use slow release fertilizers and apply them properly, making them completely safe and environmentally friendly
Core Aeration: Core aeration annually helps to reduce surface tension and allows proper air, water and nutrient exchange into the soil, reducing the need for fertilizer, and making much more effective use of available water, allowing a much higher retention of it in your soil. It also helps with the proper decomposition of recycled grass clippings. Click here to learn more....
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure: By attempting to prevent problems from occurring in your lawn before they start, we reduce the need for additional treatments and applications, providing you a safer more healthy lawn. Some examples are pre-emergent controls for crabgrass and other weeds as well as prevention of lawn disease by reducing harsh immediate release fertilizers that feed fungus during the warm summer months.
Lawn Care is a Partnership: Many of our customers want to know how they can change their lawn and landscape practices to be more “green”. We feel it is our responsibility as experts in the field to keep in touch with you as the customer and let you know what is best for the lawn and the environment. Examples include changes in habits such as:
Watering Habits: Water thoroughly, but not as frequently. By watering your lawn less frequently, but more thoroughly, you are reducing water waste by evaporation and are making your turf healthier with less water. Watering early in the morning uses the natural dew to further reduce water by reducing the amount of water needed to begin moistening the surface. It also helps to reduce disease that is caused by watering in the heat of the day and thereby reducing chemicals needed to combat turf disease
Grass Recycling: Yard wastes (mostly grass clippings) comprise 20% of municipal solid waste collected and most still ends up in landfills. Grass recycling can seriously reduce the amount of nitrogen that ends up in our waterways that causes algae blooms, robbing the water of vital oxygen and killing fish and crab population. Grass recycling is the process of mulching your grass clippings when you mow, allowing decomposition to return vital nutrients into the soil, thereby reducing fertilizer demand.
Mowing Habits: Mow higher- Grass that is cut shorter is much more susceptible to drought and heat stress, vastly increasing your lawns need for water. By mowing your lawn at a minimum of 3” in height, you reduce watering needs significantly, and reduce disease and weed population by keeping your turf healthier and further reduce the need for weed control and fungicides in your lawn.