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Lawn Treatment in Chesapeake, VA

Let us introduce you to our Synergy™ Mosquito Control Program.

Enjoy the outdoors without the constant dangerous, painful and annoying sting of mosquito bites

that ruin outdoor time for you and your family! We offer solutions ranging from barrier and control sprays to Drainage system installation to help you love your outdoor space again. 

We can help control fleas and ticks too!

 A Barrier
Of Protection

Barrier Protection applications significantly reduce mosquito activity in your lawn, regardless of whether your neighbors treat theirs. 


We can create a shield of protection around your outdoor living space that lasts for weeks after each application 


Barrier and vegetative sprays are just one way we help resolve the mosquito problem in your lawn. We investigate for areas where they may be breeding, and help to offer solutions to any drainage issues that may be contributing.  Eliminating standing water, and identifying other sources of habitat are equally important for your  best results. 

Safety of
your family

Mosquitoes carry and transmit a host of various viruses and diseases. When a mosquito feeds, its saliva enters the bloodstream. As a result, mosquito-borne diseases easily transmit into the human body. West Nile virus, Equine Encephalitis, La Crosse encephalitis and St. Louis are carried by mosquitoes right here in Hampton roads.

Benefits for our Furry Companions

Our protective sprays not only reduce pathogen carrying mosquitoes that can infect your family pets as well such as Heartworm and West Nile virus, but we also have options to help reduce ticks, and fleas in the lawn, further protecting our canine or feline family members from  ailments, and debilitating diseases

The Guaranteed Greener Grass Synergy Mosquito Control Service difference.

The most common question we are asked, is what makes us different?

Custom Designed Programs

Every lawn, landscape an outdoor living space is different, so we treat each differently. We design a treatment plan based on what your home needs. That's why we always inspect your lawn prior to providing an estimate, unlike the big, national companies.  And that's why our techs constantly evaluate the  changing conditions in weather, and your living space to give you the most effective program possible


How does the program work?

We visit the property every 21 days or so throughout the warmer seasons from when mosquitoes start to emerge to when they are gone for the cooler months. During each visit, we use a mist blower to spray the vegetation in the landscape where mosquitoes live during the day, including shrubbery, low trees, and even the sides of the house and under the eaves where they would hide form the heat and sun with an insect control to kill them. After each application, the technician will leave info for you if they see any sources of water that may be allowing mosquitoes to breed as well, giving you the opportunity to help us to protect your family and pets. This program greatly reduces the amount of mosquito activity in your lawn and landscape.

plastic bowl abandoned in a vase with stagnant water inside. close up view. mosquitoes in

Locally, Family Owned for 28 years!

As a locally owned, father and son business, that started in, and has been serving, Hampton Roads for over 28 years, we understand the value of our community. This is our home too, both dad and I grew up here. Many things have changed in our cities since we began, but our commitment to our neighbors, and local community hasn't. We are proud to serve those families that serve to keep us safe, those "silver citizens" who helped build our community long before we were here, and those new members of our neighborhoods that now call Hampton Roads their home alongside us.


A Multi-Pronged approach for a 
Safe Home

Mosquitoes are a terrible nuisance, and they make enjoying your lawn or outdoor living space nearly impossible during the times of the year that you most want to do so. But they also carry and transmit a host of various viruses and diseases. When a mosquito feeds, its saliva enters the bloodstream. As a result, mosquito-borne diseases easily transmit into the human body. West Nile virus, Equine Encephalitis, La Crosse encephalitis and St. Louis are carried by mosquitoes right here in Hampton roads.

One of the best defenses against mosquitoes is by implementing a multi=pronged approach, including eradication of standing or stagnant water throughout areas of the lawn, as well as barrier and vegetation applications. If you constantly have standing water in the lawn, we may also be able to offer you a Drainage system installation solution to eradicate breeding grounds for these disease carriers. 

Pets and kids can go back outside within hours of each application and enjoy a better summer, without the bites!


Better Technicians

    = Better Results

Our lawn care techs are the absolute best in the industry. Good techs are made in the field, great techs are made in the classroom. Our techs go through extensive training, are fully licensed by the Virginia Department of Agriculture, acquire constant continuing education, and continually learn about new research, developments and safer practices to provide the best results, lowest prices, and the utmost in safety for you and your family.

Unlike our competitors, our techs have a pay bonus structure that's entirely dependent on the results of their individual customers, and those customers' satisfaction. Each tech has their own geographic service area, and you will have the same tech with each visit. So they can monitor how effective your program is being, and are financially motivated to do whatever it takes to provide the best results possible, not simply to accomplish the most work possible on any given day.

Adult Students

Flea & Tick Control

Lyme disease is on the rise.  Not to mention a host of other diseases carried by ticks and fleas that are dangerous to humans and pets alike.  The Lone Star Tick, American Dog Tick, & the Deer Tick are all found in Virginia. While treating the outside of your home for mosquitoes, we can also spray the lawn and flowerbed areas to help kill a large percentage of fleas and ticks in the lawn, creating a safer, and more comfortable space for you and your family, even the furbabies. 

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